OPC Studio User's Guide and Reference
Read On Custom Event
Client and Subscriber Development > Development Models > Live Binding Model > Live Binding Model for OPC Data (Classic and UA) > Typical Binding Scenarios > Read On Custom Event

For example, clicking the Read button will execute the operation and read the OPC item value into the text box.

How to configure this feature for OPC-DA:

On a TextBox (or other control), use "Bind to Point" command and select the OPC item you want to read (alternatively, use  "Edit Live Bindings" command, "Add" a PointBinding, and configure its point's ServerDescriptor and ItemDescriptor).

Then, use the "Edit Live Bindings" command, and for  BindingOperations property, leave just Read checked (and uncheck the Subscribe). In order to have the Read invoked when the button is pressed, set the ReadEventSource.SourceComponent to the Button control; the SourceMember of the ReadEventSource will be automatically set to the Click event. This causes the Click on the Button execute the Read operation, i.e. obtain the OPC item value and store it into the TextBox.

Note: In order to read multiple items at once on a custom event, it is suggested that you set up a binding group under the PointBinder, assign the bindings to the group, and link the ReadEventSource just once, on the binding group.

How to configure this feature for OPC-UA:

On a TextBox, use "Bind to Point" command and select the OPC-UA node you want to read (alternatively, use "Edit Live Bindings" command, "Add" a PointBinding, and configure its EndpointDescriptor and NodeDescriptor).

Then, use the "Edit Live Bindings" command, and for BindingOperations property, leave just Read checked (and uncheck the Subscribe). In order to have the Read invoked when the button is pressed, set the ReadEventSource.SourceComponent to the Button control; the SourceMember of the ReadEventSource will be automatically set to the Click event. This causes the Click on the Button execute the Read operation, i.e. obtain the OPC-UA node value and store it into the TextBox.

Note: In order to read multiple nodes at once on a custom event, it is suggested that you set up a binding group under the PointBinder, assign the bindings to the group, and link the ReadEventSource just once, on the binding group.

See Also